The Grey Bandana Meaning -Read This Before You Wear!

A square piece of colored cloth whose significance has changed over the years- what’s its importance now? I marvel at how the meaning of wearing grey bandanas has taken a huge U-turn in the modern world.

What was once a form of identity and pride has mostly become a fashion accessory right now. But we are not here to know about its history, are we?

I wrote this article to mainly focus on one color of bandana-Grey. What is the meaning of a grey bandana? Can you safely wear it? If yes, then how so? And more!

Grey bandanas look good and are commonly used everywhere for various reasons. If you are a bandana fan and grey is your color, then this article will help!

meaning of grey bandana

Grey Bandana Meaning – The Truth!

A grey bandana holds the meaning of being a neutral color. It is also seen as a form of bondage, but much like its counterpart colors- black and white, the grey bandana can be safely worn by individuals today. Most gang members consider the grey bandana a safe/neutral color.

However, this color was strongly affiliated with a few Asian gangs if you talk of the past. The Tiny Rascal Gang is one such gang based in Long Beach, California that identifies grey as their color of distinction.

The gang still exists but is not as active as a few years ago. However, being vigilant while using a grey bandana can help those living around the area. 

Besides, gangs are mostly locally based, so it is okay if you wear any color bandana outside the particular gang’s vicinity. It’ll help if you know the bandana color used by a specific gang in the area so that you avoid using that color.

However, here’s a fun fact! Recent trend reveals that gangs aren’t wearing colors anymore! What was prevalent during the 80s and 90s is hardly existing these days.

Instead, gang members are removing gang tattoos or any sign that may affiliate them with the gang to hide their identity from law enforcement agents. Therefore, don’t be worried if you want to don a grey bandana the next time you are on the streets.

Bandana ColorMeaning
GreyCommonly used by Asian gangs
RedWorn by the Bloods gang
YellowWorn by Latin Kings gangs
PurpleWorn commonly by Grape Street Crips gang
BlueWorn by the Crips gang
BlackNeutral color
WhiteRepresents peace and neutrality
GreenWorn by Bay Area Crips gang
grey bandana meaning

Grey Bandanas & LGBT

The grey bandana stood for bondage in the LGBT community earlier. It was part of the hanky code, which the community used to express their sexual orientation or what they expected from their partner.

Grey Bandana Gangs – A Word Of Caution!

Most Asian gangs affiliate themselves with the grey bandana, such as the Tiny Rascals gang. Another gang called the G.B.A MOBB gang is located outside Maryland, which signifies grey bandanas as their gang mark.

However, the most prominent and active gang that identified with the grey bandanas is the TRG.

But, as mentioned above, grey-colored bandanas are totally safe to wear these days. Also, the way you style the grey bandana is important too. A grey bandana will hold no meaning if you wear a fancy outfit or anything formal.

To Wear Or Not To Wear A Grey Bandana

Tying a grey bandana on the wrist, and a handbag, on the forehead are all part of today’s fashion culture. Most people also like to tie a bandana around their hat to give out a sophisticated look.

There are no reasons for you to avoid wearing a grey bandana today! Also, thanks to rappers, singers, and other artists who wear bandanas of almost every color while performing, grey bandanas are no longer a threat to you!

You are good to go unless you give out a tough, fighter-like vibe! But, you can always be careful if there are many Asian gangs in the area you live.

Wear It Like You Own It!

The way you wear the bandana also defines what message you want to convey to others. From tying a bandana around the head to hanging it out of your back pocket, there’s a meaning behind every style.

But are they still relevant today? Let us look at some of the meanings behind wearing a bandana and if you can still wear it the same way!

Wearing a Grey Bandana on Your Head

Rappers and fashionistas alike love wearing grey bandanas on their heads. So, is it safe to wear around your head?

Of course, yes! Tying grey bandanas around the head are commonly seen for fashion purposes or when you don’t want sweat dripping down your face!

Wearing a Grey Bandana in The Back Pocket or Around the Neck

Wearing bandanas in your back pocket was a way to express your sexual orientation. Likewise, tying a bandana around the neck was also a sign of homosexuality decades ago.

But, that’s not the case anymore, so you can safely hang a grey bandana from your back pocket or wear it around the neck.


Grey bandana is a safe color to wear anywhere and however, you like! Gone are the days when bandanas were seen as a mark of membership in a gang.

So, don’t hesitate to wear your favorite bandana out in public but again, just be sure if there are any gangs in the area!


Business Insider

Photo by Karina Araújo on Unsplash

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