Black Bandana Meaning- Don’t Worry, You’re Safe!

Ah, black bandanas! You might be a huge rock music fan if you’re enthusiastic about them. Or perhaps, that’s the way you come up with your own fashion statement. Whatever the reason may be, I can assure you that it is safe to wear a black bandana no matter what!

If you’d like to learn more about the meaning of black bandana and its associations, you’ve landed on the right page. Here, I will discuss everything you need to know about this piece of clothing. For this, you might have to take a teeny bit of a history class! But what’s the fun in getting to acquire information without some background story, isn’t it?

black bandana meaning

Meaning Of Black Bandana- Deciphering The Code

Bandanas date back to those times when gang members would wear them as a form of identification. In fact, its origins can be traced back to the UK in the 1600s.

You shouldn’t be surprised if you see people sporting bandanas on their heads when you visit places where gang memberships are high! So, with that being said, does this also mean that a black bandana has links with a gang? Rather, does any gang wear black bandanas?

Well, even though a black bandana may, indeed, have affiliations with gangs, it’s actually more on the neutral side. In fact, a black bandana is usually in combination with bandanas of different colors. This is true, especially when it comes to identifying with a gang.

Color of BandanaWhat It Means
BlackIt’s neutral
GreyWorn by the Asian gangs
BlueWorn by the Crips gangs
YellowWorn by the Latin Kings gangs
PurpleWorn by the Grape Street Crips gangs
RedWorn by the Bloods gangs
WhiteSign of neutrality and peace
GreenWorn by the Bay Area Crips gangs

So, yes, it is totally okay to wear black bandana on your head! And why not? rockstars in the ‘80s would often don these black bandanas as a style statement. Of course, the color of the bandana wasn’t limited to only black!

However, even though a black bandana isn’t necessarily associated with any type of gang, you’ll never know when an actual gang member dons one. Perhaps, you’ll know one when you see one. True, judging a person by his or her clothing isn’t exactly appreciated. But I can rightly say here that the more you know about the history of bandanas, the better your judgment will be.

Identifying Black Bandana With LGBT

If you’ve watched the recently concluded popular Netflix series Stranger Things, there’s a big chance Eddie Munson stole your heart right from the start! Believe me, I was a big fan of the heavy rocker, too, and didn’t think he deserved that ending.

That said, you might have noticed how Munson has a black bandana in the back pocket (thanks to a die-hard fan who posted on Twitter about it!) So, what does a black bandana in the back pocket mean? And does this confirm his sexual identity?

meaning of black bandana

As you may already know, the LGBT community usually wears this piece of clothing to identify with their sexuality. Indeed, the color of the bandana and its placement also play huge roles in determining their sexual statuses. This was known as the hanky code.

Now, coming back to Munson, there are speculations online that he was, indeed, homosexual. Perhaps, it was the director’s way of linking him with the hanky code and having fans go abuzz with such speculation. Or maybe, he was really into some gang, or he was just trying to be quirky when it comes to his outfit! We’ll never know.

Know Where You Wear Your Bandanas

Now, let me tell you quickly about what a black bandana implies on different parts of your body. Perhaps, this could also be an interesting conversation starter during your next meet-up with friends!

Black Bandana Around Wrist

It has always been in fashion to wear a bandana, especially more on the head or around the wrist. So, does this mean that you’re gay?

Not necessarily. In fact, as mentioned earlier, a black bandana is neutral. So, you can safely don it to complement your outfit without the fear of being judged!

Black Bandana Around Neck

Yes, decades ago, wearing a black bandana around the neck might have been a way of expressing your sexual orientation. But this is not the case now. So, you don’t have to worry about what other people will think, as long you don’t make it look obvious that you’re actually gay!

Black Bandanas With White, Red, or Blue Accents

White bandanas have no association with any gang whatsoever. However, red and blue ones are linked with the Bloods and Crips gangs, respectively. So, what happens when you wear a black bandana with white, red, or blue?

Naturally, a black and white bandana is nothing short of a fashion statement, if anything.

When it comes to a black bandana with red, the most common pattern you’ll come across is roses. This vintage bandana was common during the ‘80s and was usually worn around the head by artists and bikers. The same goes for black bandana with blue.


So, should you avoid wearing black bandana? Absolutely not! In fact, with black being a versatile color, you can go ahead and make your outfit stand out by wearing that black bandana you’ve been keeping aside for so long!





Photo by Sedulur Papat on Unsplash

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